The Time Is Now

“You haven’t yet given birth why are you wasting your time working out?” someone told me boldly, her reasoning was that I need to first get done with the whole birthing experience and then concentrate on being in shape.

My first instinct was to first assure her (I love assuring people who think they know everything and anything) so instead of assuring her I felt sorry for her. I don’t really blame her, coming from a society where being overweight is associated with being wealthy, some men will want to marry a thick woman because she looks more presentable, and then of course when you’re in a relationship and your significant other starts to add more weight, it’s taken to mean that you are doing a fantastic job! And then clothes for Plus size people are expensive( I will talk more about this some other time but for now lets stick to “the time being NOW“). Generally our mindset has been tuned to think that being overweight is the way to go, BUT is it really?

I refuse to subscribe to this kind of thinking, there is no better time to start working out than now. The only time we are assured of is NOW, so why waste time postponing my chance to look and feel great simply because I am not yet a mummy!

And so to encourage you, grab hold of the bull by its horn TODAY don’t wait for tomorrow what if it never comes then what? Or what if it comes and the circumstances don’t allow for you to work out? What if I get to tomorrow and I am told that I can’t conceive because I am either over weight or underweight then what? There is so much that can happen between now and tomorrow. So choose to live in the NOW. If you feel the urge to work out or to live a healthier lifestyle please listen to your instincts.

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