Painful boobs, horrible moods swings, weird cravings and oh the break out in my face this is how my monthly visitors made their announcement that they were on their way. I always felt like my body had been invaded by an alien. However much I tried to get used to this monthly ordeal I could never shake it off. So I shared my ordeal with a trusted acquaintance who is also a herbalist.

“It is hormonal balance” she typed in a WhatsApp chat we were having. I gave her the bulging eye emoji with an expression of are you serious? That can’t be! But she insisted and gave me the remedies I could use to correct it. So I started faithfully taking the herbal concoction with faith that it was going to fix my imbalance, after one month there was a significant improvement. My symptoms had somewhat become bearable but they didn’t completely disappear. I sent her another chat that went something like this “Hey… How long do I have to continue taking these herbs before this completely stops?” Her response was that these things take time so give it a period of 3 months before you can see the results you want. So I continued taking the herbs, however after some time I got bored with taking the daily concoction🙈. And boom I was back to where I had been before the herbs and this time it was worse I would literally never want my bra off because the pain and sensitivity in my boobs was unbearable. The breakouts on my face got horrible I would want to hide when this would happen, my usually smooth face would look so rugged. These breakouts left spots in their wake one time someone asked “Joan, what happened to your face?” this broke my heart and my confidence. I tried using makeup to cover my imperfect face, and instead I made the situation worse.  And then the cravings would hit the roof, I would feel sick if I didn’t get what I wanted. Wait; did I mention the bloated stomach which would make me appear pregnant. So I was back to feeling like a prisoner and yet I still felt lazy to take the daily herbal tea.

Fast forward to September when I began my healthy living lifestyle which includes a regular dose of Yoga, lots of cardio and water as well as a healthier diet and guess what; all that hormonal balance drama is gone. This month I waited for the usual drama and there was none, no painful sensitive boobs, painful backache or breakout.  My face remained flawless and so without even realizing it I have given my body the best gift, when I properly take care of it, it will also take care of me.

So although I still get the cramps, because of the frequent exercise this pain has equally reduced. Those who have seen me when this pain comes will tell you how it would change me. The pain would be so unbearable, I couldn’t even walk upright for those 3 days i would be confined to being in bed unless if I took painkillers( my cramp experience in detail will be a story for another day) point is though that the pain has reduced greatly  and become bearable who knows when I will come back singing that the cramps are now history😊.

2 thoughts on “OF PMS…

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  1. girl this is a timely read considering i am wearing my hair down over my face to hide the horrible pimples all over my cheeks…As for cramps, simanyi just i hold on to my diclodenk or a stronger painkiller…the joys of womanhood

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